Since 1992 - without interruption and with the same address and telephone number - the institution UHB e.V. with its own office has been the point of contact for dealers, builders, planners and the media.
The UHB has been online with a website since 1998. The UHB is in many search engines the number 1 with the keyword "historical building materials" and the most frequent variations of this term. The members benefit from this: since 2002 they are directly linked. Up to 4,000 clicks per member and year are thus achieved. In total, almost 400,000 contacts have been generated by the association since 2002.
The UHB has established itself as THE agency for historical building materials. The inquiries distributed directly to the members are of high quality and mostly refer to a concrete building project. Many demanders use the distribution service of the UHB in order to cover their short-term need; from these inquiries the members profit directly.
Countless reports in all media with references to the dealer lists have appeared in the past years and to this day. Numerous trade fair participations have increased the level of awareness of the UHB. The membership lists are of course always present and find active acceptance. Depending on the trade fair, members can also place their own brochures or exhibits on the stand.
The association promotes regular contact between members. At regular meetings an intensive exchange is cultivated and thus a personal basis for business is created. Competitive thinking among each other is foreign to us!
All information on historical building materials can be accessed via the UHB and its members. Everything that improves our position in the market is followed closely by us.
he office has the best first-hand market information and is able to describe trends and developments for the dealerships. The development of this market has been observed for almost 30 years. The fewest challenges are really new. This is where our experience helps. Which colleague has already had the same or a very similar problem? We often know the answer to these questions.
At the meetings, current topics from the companies are discussed, company visits take place, guest speakers are invited to speak on specialist topics, and the traditional UHB auction is held. All this is always embedded in a cultural supporting programme.