The architectural heritage is an irreplaceable expression of the richness and diversity of human culture. Our priority is the preservation of this heritage in its original place. Only when it is no longer possible to preserve historical buildings at their ancestral location do we consider it our duty, for cultural-historical and ecological reasons, to preserve these buildings in their entirety or parts thereof for posterity through careful selective deconstruction. The preservation of cultural assets and the conservation of resources are the focus of our work. Every member of the Unternehmerverband Historische Baustoffe e.V. (Historical Building Materials Association) must orient its activities towards these principles.
§ 1 Name and registered office, scope of application and business year
1.1 The association bears the name: Unternehmerverband Historische Baustoffe e.V. Securing - Trade - Reuse
1.2. Its registered office is at 78112 St Georgen.
1.3 The association is registered in the register of associations of the Villingen-Schwenningen District Court.
1.4 The business year is the calendar year.
§ 2 Purpose and tasks
2.1 The purpose of the association is to promote the sensible and responsible use of historical building materials. This purpose is realized in particular by:
2.1.1 Support, advice, promotion and representation of its members in all technical, economic, legal and organisational matters!
2.1.2 Representing the interests of the members vis-à-vis all federal, state and municipal authorities as well as public corporations.
2.1.3 Representation of the interests towards the consumers of historical building materials.
2.1.4. exchange of experience and information between members.
2.1.5. general public relations work in the sense of raising the awareness of all relevant bodies for the present and future significance of historical building materials and the elaboration of appropriate information documents.
2.1.6 Development and implementation of quality standards for historical building materials.
§ 3 Acquisition of Membership
3.1 Full members All natural and legal persons can become members of the Association who are active in the following fields of business:
a) Securing historical building materials.
b) Trade in historical building materials.
c) Reuse of historical building materials.
3.2 Extraordinary members (supporting members).
Natural or legal persons of all kinds may become members of the association for the idealistic and financial promotion of the association as well as for informative and advisory participation in the association, against payment of contributions, but without the right to vote.
3.3 Applications for membership must be submitted in writing to the office of the Association. The applicant is obliged to provide necessary information, he must also acknowledge the binding nature of the statutes sent to him before his admission by signing the declaration of membership.
3.4 The membership meeting shall decide on the admission. If the application is rejected, the executive committee is obliged to inform the applicant of the reasons for the rejection.
§ 4 Termination of Membership
4.1 The membership in the association ends
(a) by voluntary withdrawal.
b) by exclusion.
c) by death in the case of natural persons.
(d) in the case of legal persons, by extinction or liquidation.
4.2 Voluntary resignation shall be effected by written declaration to a member of the Executive Board. It is permissible at the end of a calendar year subject to a notice period of three months.
4.3 The executive committee decides on the exclusion. The decision is to be communicated to the executive committee by registered letter. Reasons for an exclusion can be: Gross violation of duties, dishonourable conduct damaging to the association. An objection against the exclusion can be lodged within a period of one month by registered letter. The objection is finally decided by the next general meeting with a simple majority of votes, whereby the person concerned is to be given the opportunity to substantiate his objection. Until the decision of the general meeting on the objection, all rights of the excluded person are suspended.
4.4 Upon termination of membership, all rights vis-à-vis the Association shall lapse. The termination of the membership does not release from the fulfilment of still existing obligations towards the association.
§ 5 Rights and duties of the members
5.1 All members of the association have equal rights and duties. No person or company may be preferred.
5.2 The members are entitled to advice and support in all professional and economic matters, as far as these fall within the scope of the association.
5.3 For their part, the members are bound by the statutes and by resolutions passed in accordance with the statutes. In addition, they shall grant the Association every possible support in the performance of its work.
5.4 In particular, the members are obliged to provide information on the basis for calculating the contributions, to pay the contributions punctually and to answer the Association's surveys.
§ 6 Finances
6.1 Membership dues and other income. In order to fulfil the purpose of the association, in particular to cover the costs of setting up and maintaining the office, members shall be charged dues.
6.2 The General Meeting shall decide on the amount of the fees and their due date. In addition to the current membership fees, the General Assembly may decide on special contributions (levies) for special purposes.
§ 7 Organs of the Association
7.1 The organs of the association are:
a) the executive committee.
b) the general meeting.
7.2 The activities and functions of these bodies are regulated in more detail below.
§ 8 The Board of Directors
8.1 The Board shall consist of the first Chairperson and the second Chairperson and the third Chairperson. Each of them has sole power of representation.
8.2 The executive committee is responsible for all matters of the association, as far as they are not assigned by the statute to another organ of the association.
8.3 It has above all the following tasks:
a) Preparation of the general meeting, preparation of the agendas, convening of the general meetings. The first chairman chairs the general meetings and the board meetings.
b) Execution of the resolutions of the General Meetings.
c) Control of the management.
8.4 The board members are elected by the general meeting for a period of 2 years. They remain in office until the new election of the board.
8.5 All organ members to be elected shall be elected individually. Only full members are eligible for election.
8.6 If a member of the executive committee resigns during the period of office, the executive committee can elect a substitute member for the period until the next general meeting. The general meeting elects a new substitute member.
8.7 The executive committee takes its decisions in executive committee meetings, which are called by the chairman under observance of a notice period of three days.
8.8 The resolutions are to be recorded for evidence purposes and signed by at least two chairmen.
§ 9 General meeting
9.1 The ordinary General Meeting shall be convened at least once a year by the Chairman of the Executive Board or on his behalf by the Secretariat in writing at least three weeks in advance, stating the agenda.
9.2 Motions by members that are to be added to the agenda of the ordinary General Meeting must be submitted in writing to the office at least two weeks before the date of the meeting. They must be communicated to the members immediately. The general meeting decides on later requests to add items to the agenda.
9.3 The General Assembly has the following tasks in particular:
a) Elections of the board members.
b) Acceptance of the chairman's annual report.
c) Acceptance of the duly audited annual accounts and resolution on the discharge of the Executive Board.
d) Determination of the membership fee.
e) Passing resolutions on amendments to the statutes and dissolution of the Association.
f) Appointment of the auditors.
9.4 The general meeting has a quorum if 33% of the voting members are present. If there is no quorum, a general meeting with the same agenda can be convened within two weeks, for which the presence of a certain number of members does not apply.
9.5 The General Assembly passes its resolutions with a simple majority of the members present and entitled to vote. Amendments to the statutes and resolutions on the dissolution of the association require a majority of three quarters of the voting members present.
9.6 Two further voting rights may be transferred to one voting member. The transfer of voting rights must be proven in writing.
9.7 The resolutions of the General Assembly shall be recorded in minutes, which shall be signed by the Chairman and the Managing Director.
9.8 If a member is more than 6 months in arrears with the payment of dues, the right to vote expires.
9.9 Each vote of the members can, if the executive committee considers this sufficient, take place in writing by post.
§ 10 Extraordinary General Meeting
10.1 The executive committee can call an extraordinary general meeting at any time.
10.2 This meeting must be convened if the interests of the Association so require, or if one fifth of all members request it in writing, stating the purpose and reasons.
§ 11 Management
11.1 The Association shall set up an office at its registered office which shall be headed by a managing director who shall be responsible for the day-to-day business of the Association.
11.2 The managing director is appointed by the executive committee and confirmed by the general meeting.
11.3 The managing director participates in the meetings of the organs of the association. Within the framework of the budget, the managing director may conduct business which obliges the association up to an amount of EUR 3,000. He may only make further decrees together with the first chairman.
§ 12 Dissolution of the Association
12.1 The dissolution of the association can be decided in a specially convened general meeting with three quarters of the votes cast.
12.2 If the General Assembly has decided to dissolve the Association in accordance with the provisions of these Statutes, the remaining assets shall be repaid to the members after all obligations have been fulfilled.
12.3 Unless the general meeting decides otherwise, all members of the board are the liquidators of the association who are jointly authorized to represent the association.
The above statute was established in the foundation meeting of 25.09.1992 and changed in the general meeting of 26.09.2003.